viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

design patterns tutorial java

Prototype Design Pattern Tutorial
Prototype Design Pattern Tutorial

design patterns tutorial java

Prototype Design Pattern Tutorial

Descripcion del Video
Get the Code: e to my Prototype Design Pattern Tutorial. The Prototype design pattern is used for creating new objects (instances) by cloning (copying) other objects. It allows for the adding of any subclass instance of a known super class at run time. It is used when there are numerous potential classes that you want to only use if needed at runtime. The major benefit of using the Prototype pattern is that it reduces the need for creating potentially unneeded subclasses.

Factory Design Pattern

Descripcion del Video
Get everything here: e to my Factory design pattern tutorial. This is a continuation of my design patterns video tutorial. You use the Factory design pattern when you want to define the class of an object at runtime. It also allows you to encapsulate object creation so that you can keep all object creation code in one place. The Factory pattern is presented in many ways to help you learn. Refer to the code to completely understand it.

Comentarios de los Videos design patterns tutorial java

Just an observation... clone() is a protected method you inherit from Object, you don't need to call? a super clone method in the subclasses. Instead of (Sheep) super.clone(), you can just do (Sheep) clone(). Clonable is a declarative interface, not a class.
Sorry I improv these videos so? I sometimes slip a bit on things not directly related to the topic. Thanks for pointing that out for others :)
Ahhh OK yeah now I get this one, this was one of two elements I was missing with my "rough draft" factory. Prototype +? AbstractFactory = properly decoupled and easily maintainable Factories. Got it. ^.^
I'm glad? to have helped :)
i love doolllyyyy baaaa? hhh thank you very mush now i understand 100% what it a PATTERN ProtoType !!!
I'm glad you found it useful :) I? enjoyed covering this topic
I think this comes from the fact that when you override clone you need to call? super.clone() when executing the object.clone(), but in this case there is no doubt about which clone() is called, because there is no clone() call overridden.
your number 1? when it comes to teaching software engineering!
Maybe I used bad wording. Lets say you have a reader1 object, and the class Reader has a field that is a reference to a DB. You copy that object, will reader1 and reader2 use the same DB, or will this also? cause making a copy of the original DB. I understand it makes copies of primitive types but if you have reference type fields do they all have to extend Cloneable? I'm sorry if my question is still unclear and for asking it since I can find the answer with a 3min code.

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