jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013

photoshop 9

Photoshop Top 40 #9 - Levels
Photoshop Top 40 #9 - Levels

photoshop 9

Photoshop Top 40 #9 - Levels

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The Levels command, and its cohort, the Histogram, let you adjust luminance levels on a channel-by-channel basis. The upshot is that you can increase contrast, correct for color cast, and make a bad image good. America likes its lists, and here's another one. Imaging expert and award-winning author Deke McClelland presents his list of the top 40 features in Photoshop—beginning with #40 and working his way up to #1—one weekly video at a time. Some are tools, others are commands, still others are conceptual. All are invaluable. Learn these 40 features and you'll know Photoshop.


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Photoshop Elements 9 - Videotraining - Ebenen

Descripcion del Video
Videotutorial zu Photoshop Elements 9. Grundlagentraining, Umgang mit Ebenen und dem Verschieben-Werkzeug. Dieses Tutorial erklärt Einsteigern in Photoshop Elements den Umgang mit Bildelementen auf einzelnen Ebenen, die Ebenenreihenfolge, Sichtbarkeit von ebenen, das Verschieben-Werkzeug und dessen Werkzeugoptionen. Thorsten Wiegand ist Autor des Buches "Photoshop Elements 9 - Workshops" aus dem MITP Verlag. Webseite zum Buch und zu Photoshop Elements 9 www.pse9.de www.towi.de

Comentarios de los Videos photoshop 9

Probably the most concise and informative, yet easy to understand, tutorial? for Levels. The gradient example in the beginning is intuitive and really helps in understanding how the Levels tool works.
You can say Levels is like one of those screwdrivers with the multi-changing drive heads, while Curves is just a regular screwdriver.
Thanks that was? just great!
your? explanation is confusing as hell!

Baños de los últimos incrementos.

En francés, italiano, español, rumano, portugués y completa la proximidad de cambios:

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