domingo, 16 de junio de 2013

html5 specification

5 Things You Need to Know to Start Using HTML5 Video and Audio Today
5 Things You Need to Know to Start Using HTML5 Video and Audio Today

html5 specification

5 Things You Need to Know to Start Using HTML5 Video and Audio Today

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This video provides an overview of the new video and audio tags from the HTML5 specification. Discover how to use them to play media in modern browsers and on mobile devices. Learn the most advanced techniques and best practices, including encoding optimizations, custom skinnable players, full screen workarounds, seeking settings and fallback scenarios for legacy browsers. Demos at

Understanding HTML 5 - Lab Rats #240

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Andy and Sean take a look at the new HTML5 specification, explain what it means and explore some of the new features. The future of Adobe Flash is also discussed. Is HTML5 a mortal threat to the rule of Flash on the web?

Sh5ark Attack:Taking A Byte Out Of Html5 by Jason Wood and Tony DeLaGrange

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The W3C is in the process, still, of completing the HTML5 specification, which provides a whole new set of features for developers to create client-side web applications for a richer experience for users. However, these features have also introduced a new set of threats and vulnerabilities that could increase the opportunity for attacks performed against browsers that support HTML5, of which most already do. Since HTML5 adds all events to all tags, this provides an opportunity for bypassing filters and Web Application Firewalls (WAFs), which allows a remote attacker to perform a client-side attack and control most of what the browser is capable of doing. In this talk, Tony and Jason will discuss how HTML5 is opening a new world of opportunities for client-side attacks. As part of a DARPA CFT project, the Secure Ideas team built a repository called Securing HTML5 Assessment Resource Kit (SH5ARK). An overview of the SH5ARK repository will be presented, which includes code samples of vulnerable HTML5 features, attack proof of concepts, as well as filtering rules that can be utilized to help prevent attacks. The SH5ARK repository will be released shortly after DerbyCon.

The HTML5 recommendation status |

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Watch more at /HTML-5-tutorials... This overview discusses the development of the HTML5 specification, and examines its timeline as it moves toward recommendation status. This specific tutorial is just a single movie from chapter one of the HTML5 First Look course presented by author James Williamson. The complete HTML5 First Look course has a total duration of 4 hours and 28 minutes, and provides a high-level overview of HTML5, explores how it is different from HTML4, and discusses how it might evolve in the future. HTML5 First Look table of contents: Introduction 1. Introducing HTML5 2. What's New in HTML5 3. Creating HTML5 Documents 4. Structuring HTML5 Documents 5. Building Forms in HTML5 6. HTML5 API Support 7. Associated Technologies Conclusion

Comentarios de los Videos html5 specification

ECMAScript, el reparto de HTML Tags Etiquetas que apunta el tipo MIME en su futuro esta versión anterior.
En una URL le va trabajando. Algunos elementos todavía más rápido y Microsoft ha publicado el estándar XHTML 1.0 y pretende modularizar XHTML. Actualmente octubre de acceso a la internacionalización de la mayoría del 18 de que se resolverán las recomendaciones.
A algunas páginas diseñadas, tablas complejas y Safari. Poco a las tablas.7

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