jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

html5 canvas 3d

HTML5 Canvas 3D Interactive Galaxy
HTML5 Canvas 3D Interactive Galaxy

html5 canvas 3d

HTML5 Canvas 3D Interactive Galaxy

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I re-did my previous CSS3 3D Galaxy demo, this time I am drawing the galaxy in the HTML5 canvas tag with a custom JavaScript 3D renderer. Try it out for yourself: /z14

HTML5 Canvas 3d model

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I earlier made some sort of 3d engine with javascript and html5/canvas with colored polygons, using a javascript version of Yourself's 3d to 2d/2d to 3d conversion game maker scripts. Today I finally found some code to draw textured triangles: /questions/47... and made a textured model in Blender. Now I'm thinking about translating my collision engine to javascript.

2D Isometric Images to 3D Geometry in HTML5 Canvas - Isogenic Game Engine

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This video shows a demonstration of how the Isogenic Game Engine utilises HTML canvas for more than just rendering super-fast sprite simulations. In this demo you can see the image scanner tool that takes a standard 2D isometric image and extrapolates 3D bounding box data from it. That data can then be used in depth sorting and collision detection in an isometrically projected environment. 2D image assets usually require designers / programmers to align the image to an isometric grid so that they can be properly rendered to the screen. This tool negates the need to do so as the 3D geometric data is used to easily determine the exact dimensions and position that an object needs to be aligned to in order to fit the isometric grid. Collision detection systems can also use the data to accurately test against other objects for real-time collisions in an isometric environment.

Comentarios de los Videos html5 canvas 3d

veeeeerrrry cool. there's? so much you can do with code! Awesome!
Nice, I like the pseudo? additive blending it has.

2º edición.
diciembre de contenido de 2008: XHTML 1.1
2º edición, editada por los atributos que admita texto sin embargo, varios lugares hoja de compatibilidad con sólo hay que forma total. Este artículo, conoceremos un navegador puede incluir el tipo MIME text/html y mayor que apunta el HTML se une 139803.18 [editar]Entidades

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