jueves, 11 de abril de 2013

java portlet tutorial

168 Tutorial-Handling the PortletRequest PortletResponse Cyc
168 Tutorial-Handling the PortletRequest PortletResponse Cyc

java portlet tutorial

168 Tutorial-Handling the PortletRequest PortletResponse Cyc

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This CBT tutorial looks at how to create JSR168 deployable portlets that handle the common request-response cycle. The full size, full resolution tutorial can be seen here: /jsr... The portlet itself is very simple, but it is also very effective, and it demonstrates both how similar portlets can be to typical Servlet and JSP programming, while at the same time introducing you to how applications can get internationalized, i18n and i10n. It does this by creating a CountrySnooperPortlet. Check out the tutorial and Java portlet code examples. As a note, the portlet is fully JSR-168 compliant, and as such, can be deployed to any JSR168 portal server, including WebSphere Portal Server, JetSpeed, Pluto, LifeRay, Plumbtree, OpenPortal and more! Check out my Hibernate tutorials and SCJA mock exams at: /associate

hasCode.com: Creating Portlets with Java Server Faces 2 and Liferay

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Some samples from my tutorial on how to create Portlets on Liferay using Java Server Faces 2 and PortletFaces. For more information take a look at my portlet tutorial on /2011/07/creati...

Creating JSF Portlet in Liferay from scratch

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Shows creation of a JSF based portlet for Liferay from scratch using the standard wizard. Note that the current official Liferay IDE 1.5 is buggy. I recommend downloading the latest nightly builds of the Liferay portal and Liferay IDE (which is based on Eclipse Indigo). When creating a JSF based portlet using the standard wizards you'll likely encounter two bugs. (Again plz note, this is February 2012. Things might have improved while you watch this.) Bug #1 - Liferay IDE misconfiguration: ECJ compiler is unknow to Ant with shipped version. Bug #2 - JSF configuration for the created portlet has a wrong init param in PROJECTNAME-portlet/docrootWEB-INF/portl ­et.xml. Replace the term "view-template" by javax.portlet.faces.defaultViewId.view. See video.

Java Portlet Development w IRAD for WebSphere Portal Server

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For the original JEE/J2EE Portlet Development tutorials, in full screen and high resolution, check here: /jsr168/ind... This tutorial demonstrates how to use IBMs Rational Application Developer (IRAD/RSA Rational Software Architect) to develop a JSR168 Compliant Portlet. While the WAS Portal Server is the target for deployment, since the portlet itself is JSR-168 compliant, it can be tested and deployed to any portal server, including Pluto, JetSpeed, LifeRay, Plumtree, OpenPortal, WebLogic and Oracle portals. This tutorial creates the famous NumberGuesserPortlet, using the PortletRequest to obtain information from the user, and the PortletResponse to redirect the user and create a target JSP page for HTML markup dislpay (getPortletContext() .getRequestDispatcher(url), response.getWriter() & response.getWriter() ) Please check out my JSR168 Portlet Develpment book for more examples. For great introduction tutorials on Hibernate and JPA development, check out my site on the topic: I've also got some free Mock Certification Java Exams & Tests on my Sun Certification Site: /associate By the way, I have some free IBM Portlet Certification Mock Exams and Sample Tests online right now. They're free for the taking, and they'll help you prepare for IBM certification tests. Here they are: Core IBM Portal Test 399 Objectives /jsr168/ibm... JSR-168 API Fundamentals Test Objective /jsr168/ibm... C2A Struts JSF and PortalService PortletService Exam Objectives /jsr168/ibm... Testing And Debugging Portlets and Portal Applications: /jsr168/ibm... Advance Portal Administration & Development Exam Objectives /jsr168/ibm...

Comentarios de los Videos java portlet tutorial

For the original, high resolution, full screen video, just check the "More Info" section on this YouTube page.
The original website has all the source code and all videos, along? with some links to help you purchase my book on Portlet Programming! There's also books on Hibernate, JPA, WebSphere and getting Sun Java Certified, so pick them up if you can afford a copy. :)
-Cameron McKenzie

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