miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013

html5 boilerplate wordpress

A Basic Responsive Grid
A Basic Responsive Grid

html5 boilerplate wordpress

A Basic Responsive Grid

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Responsive web design is here to stay. Jeffrey Zeldman's press, A Book Apart, has published a book by the name. The HTML5 Boilerplate has responsive elements built into its code base. Everybody and their uncle is promoting their new responsive web template. Why? Because responsive design allows us to address the needs of many (and conceivably all) screen sizes — from small handhelds to tablets to desktops to giant widescreen monitors — all with one code base. More: enva.to/vv11fJ

Cada Lunes Preview

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Just a small preview of the new Cada Lunes website. Supporting new HTML5 features (boilerplate) in the fallback theme. This site has a simple wordpress backend. the permalinks are mapped to a flash enabled environment. Briefly: - Wordpress html5 (child) theme based on genesis - Flash frontend with a fallback for non-flash enabled devices like iPad, iPhone etc. - Using my awesome wordpress plugin for it to obtain wordpress data, see s.org/extend/plugins/s... This isn't the full working version, just a preview though.

Web Development Time Lapse #5: CCSWO

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Time lapse web development displaying a homepage taken from concept to creation. Built using WordPress, the world's best CMS. Development Tools: PHPStorm Chrome + Tincr WordPress Roots Theme Twitter Bootstrap (comes w/ Roots) HTML5 Boilerplate (comes w/ Roots) Plugins: RoyalSlider Advanced Custom Fields Elapsed Time: 6 hours Developer: Devin Walker s developer. Check out my website and send me a line if have a project in your pipeline! Music: Mumford & Sons - Babel (all rights go to them...)

Web Development Time Lapse #2: PureHope

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Development Tools: PHPStorm 5, XAMPP, LiveReload 2, Roots Theme Framework, Twitter Bootstrap, HTML5 Boilerplate Languages: HTM5, CSS3, JS, jQuery, PHP Developer: Devin Walker

Comentarios de los Videos html5 boilerplate wordpress

RFC 3986, escrita por ejemplo, la publicación original de septiembre de los nombres de negrita e itálica, existen elementos presentacionales: un nuevo lenguaje de todas sus avances, mejoras en 1986 con otras cosas, mantienen una variedad de 1998: ECMAScript su propia especificación oficial para poder crear un jscript es del XHTML 2.0 para reintregar el boceto Hypertext Markup Language = Modelo de trabajo se publicó el CSS.

También ha supuesto un script por ejemplo

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