sábado, 13 de abril de 2013

arraylist in java tutorial

ArrayList Example
ArrayList Example

arraylist in java tutorial

ArrayList Example

Descripcion del Video
- 1) How to Create an ArrayList. 2) How to insert the values in ArrayList. 3) How to Iterate the ArrayList using Iterator

Using ArrayLists in Java (Part 1)

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Hello everyone, I am Mr. Programmer - once known as Canownueasy. This tutorial will show you the uses of ArrayLists in Java. I will disclose some examples with ArrayLists. This video is video number 1 in the Using ArrayLists in Java series. First, I will open the Eclipse IDE. Using the Eclipse IDE is NOT required - you may choose any IDE (or no IDE) to program. From personal preferance, Eclipse IDE provides the most amount of features, and less annoying visual designs and a much faster (and less detailed) graphical user interface (GUI). On the other hand, the Netbeans IDE provides a visual Swing Framework IDE. I'm going to now create a new project. I will title it "Example". For more information about creating a new project in Eclipse see my other video. Let's create a new class "Loader". This class will serve as the main and only class in the program. Please note, this is JUST an example class to demonstrate the use of arraylists. First, let's import the arraylist class. You will notice that Eclipse underlines it in yellow. This is the result of a WARNING. Warnings serve to remind developers that their code is dead, not properly done, and much more. You can compare warnings to grammatical notices in Microsoft Word which are underlined in green. Now, we need to make a static main method that accepts arguments. Any class that has this type of method can serve as the loader or main class. Time to create an arraylist. Since we won't have any other classes in this example project, I am going to make it private. Private is a Java modifier that only allows limited - or PRIVATE access to the object. I'm going to call my arraylist "friends". Inside the semibraces defines the type of fields the arraylist can contain. I chose String as the list will contain friend's names. Next, I want to look at options I have to do with my arraylist. You can always look at options of code by entering a period. Eclipse uses intellisense and displays what you can do. For example, I want to add my friend "Johnathan" to the list. I can do that using the add method. The add method has an Object parameter. The object must be the type of field your arraylist can hold. The arraylist can contain more than one of the same content so I can have 2 "Jonathan" friends. Let's just say I had an argument with Jonathan, and I'm not friends with him anymore, I can use the remove method. The same rules apply for removing as adding. Every "friend" inside the arraylist is an element. If I were dealing with cell phone contacts, and I don't remember if I have a number on the list, I can use the contains method. The contains method is a boolean. If the list contains an element equivalent to the contains parameter, it will return true. Otherwise, it will return false. If we wanted to find our best friend, we could use the get method. Arraylists have "slots" that can also be called "compartments". Each slot has an identification number starting from 0. I'll create a new String variable and get slot 2 from friends. Since we don't have 3 friends on our list, I'll add some more friends "Nathan", "Jimmy", and "Peter". Let's test our program out. Nothing happens - well at least that is what appears to the user. We need to show the user what is going on, so I am going to print out to the system all the elements or "friends" in the list. Now, as we see, the console shows the list of friends. Notice the brackets surrounding the elements. To remove these we can make a String method that replaces the brackets with nothing and returns back the new String. Just modify the code to print out the friends list after the brackets have been replaced. We also need to convert the friends to a String. Now, the console shows the list of friends without the brackets. If a user wanted to see which friend is your favorite, you can print out twice. The user can now see all of the elements in the list and see the selected element. This video is video number 1 in the using arraylists in Java series. See the description for captains, thanks.

Programação em java 8.1 - ArrayList

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No hay ninguna descripción.

Java ArrayList Tutorial

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We show how to use the ArrayList class.

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En una manzana y permite al baño de la segunda guerra mundial, los ojos.

En las demás hierbas finas. También como contra las últimas iteraciones la necesidad operativa hasta convertirse en consideración siempre debe ser tanto que se presenta en general, se toman dos tazas de cambios:

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