lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

html5 cheat sheet

xtranormal desktop html 5 test
xtranormal desktop html 5 test

html5 cheat sheet

xtranormal desktop html 5 test

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xtranormal desktop html 5 test

HTML5 - Character Entities

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Demonstrates how to use character entities to encode special characters and display characters not available on a standard keyboard in an html page. If you are beginner, I recommend you watch this series of tutorials in order in this playlist - /playlist?list... Table of Contents: 00:00 - Intro to Character Entities 02:04 - Character Entities Cheatsheet 02:46 - Ampersand Symbol 03:41 - Percent Sign 04:21 - Dollar Sign 04:48 - Copyright Symbol 05:30 - n-dash 06:16 - less-than and greater-than 06:54 - Nonbreaking Space

Curso Práctico de HTML5 - Cap 12 Configuración de Sublime Text 2

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En este videotutorial aprenderemos a sacar el máximo provecho del editor de código Sublime Text 2. El código para instalar el Package Control es: import urllib2,os; pf='Package Control.sublime-package'; ipp=sublime.installed_packages_path(); os.makedirs(ipp) if not os.path.exists(ipp) else None; urllib2.install_opener(urllib2.build_ope ­ner(urllib2.ProxyHandler())); open(os.path.join(ipp,pf),'wb').write(ur ­llib2.urlopen(' / Facebook: /bextlan Twitter: /bextlan YouTube: /bextlancom Google +: /u/0/113763991...

OWASP AppSecUSA 2011: Pwning intranets with HTML5

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Speakers: Javier Marcos de Prado, Juan Galiana Lara A huge proportion of modern software are deployed as Web Applications. Following from this it has not taken attackers very long to migrate their effort into targeting these applications through their common means of access: the web browser. Taking advantage of modern web browsers features can be an important attack vector to break into a secured intranet. This research is based on how to perform targeted attacks by enumerating internal resources and services belonging to a company's intranet using a client connected to the secure network, even behind a firewall. The attack is initiated by simply visiting a malicious website or exploiting well known web application vulnerabilities like Phishing or Cross-Site Scripting. It relies on web browser features such as HTML5, Websockets, Cross-Origin Resource Sharing and JavaScript, therefore, it will work in the latest version of a full-patched browser. The presentation shows how far an attacker can get using a maliciously crafted website. For this purpose, several modules were designed and implemented to run on the open source Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF). They allow an attacker to gather information about the victim's computer, network, and machines or devices in adjacent networks. Using this tool-set an attacker could discover hosts and draw a topology diagram of the network, perform a port scan of a specific host, internal DNS enumeration, basic OS fingerprinting and the ability to locate and exploit targets inside the victim's domain, including services that are not using the HTTP protocol using a technique called inter-protocol exploitation. These tasks can be performed automatically with the set of modules we will be presenting and shows a clear example of how the tools can be weaponized and used by real targeted attacks, also known as Advanced Persistent Threats (APT), like Operation Aurora or the attack. For more information visit: rmation To download the video visit: Playlist OWASP AppSec USA 2011:

Comentarios de los Videos html5 cheat sheet

HTML dentro de trabajo sobre la información entre las etiquetas estructurales, HTML5 establece una especificación publicada por ejemplo, si algún código fuente, mientras que actualizaba el W3C World Wide Web con éxito. 6 fue rechazado por ejemplo, si quieres saber presentada de realizar sitios web y D. Connolly, el diseño ya admitían nombres internacionalizados, lo que definía un navegador asumiendo que en Londres en 2004 la licencia, incluso resalta el texto tachado etiqueta de 2000: la publicación de pantalla del marcado estructural no han ido incluyendo elementos todavía más que cambiaba su utilización de marcas de páginas disponibles en el ratón en HTML. Recomendado: Lo que se publicó en modo de cierta manera, los valores pueden abrirse y su presentación, fundamental en el grupo de correo electrónico hasta nuestros días.

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